Cricket is a game that owes much of its unique appeal to the fact that it should be played not only within the Laws but also within the Spirit of the Game. Any action which is seen to abuse this spirit causes injury to the game itself. The responsibility for ensuring the spirit of fair play rests with the captains.
1. There are two Laws which place the responsibility for the team’s conduct firmly on the captain.
Responsibility of captains:
The cap tains are responsible at all times for ensuring that play is conducte d within the spirit of the game as well as within the Laws. It is also the responsibility of the captains to hand over the teams with full names of players and the balls no later than fifteen (15) minutes prior to the start of play.
Player’s conduct:
In the event of a player failing to comply with instructions by an umpire, or criticizing by word or action the decisions of an umpire, or showing dissent, or generally behaving in a manner which bring the game into disrepute, the umpire concerned shall in the first place report the matter to the other umpire and to the player’s captain, and instruct the latter to take action.
2 Fair and unfair play:
According to the Laws the umpires are the sole judges of fair and unfair play.
The umpires may intervene at any time and it is the responsibility of the captain to take action where required.
3 The umpires are authorized to intervene in cases of:
Time wasting
Damaging the pitch
Dangerous or unfair bowling
Tampering with the ball
Any other action that they consider to be unfair
4. The Spirit of the Game involves RESPECT for:
Your opponents
Your own captain and team
The role of the umpires
The game’s traditional values
5. It is against the Spirit of the Game :
To dispute an umpire’s decision by word, action of gesture
To direct abusive language towards an opponent or umpire
To indulge in cheating or any sharp practice, for instance:
(a) to appeal knowing that the batsman is not out
(b) to adva nce towards an umpire in an aggressive manner when app ealing
(c) to seek to distract an opponent either verbally or by harassment with persistent clapping
or unnecessary noise under the guise of enthusiasm and motivation of one’s own side
6. Violence:
There is no place for any act of violence on the field of play.
7. Players:
Captains and umpires together set the tone for the conduct of a cricket ma tch.
Every player is expected to make an important contribution to this.
Except as varied hereunder the Laws of Cricket (2000 Code 2n d Edition – 2003) shall apply.
Note: All references to ‘Governing Body’ within the Laws of Cricket shall be replaced by ‘American College Cricket Rules Committee’.
Eight teams will compete in the first round matches that will be played in a round-robin format, followed by semi -finals and finals.
A match is played between two sides. Each side shall consist of 11 players, one of whom shall be captain. Each captain shall provide a list of the names of the 11 players and the nominated 12th man in writing to American College Cricket Match Referee before the toss.
No player (including the nominated 12th man) may be changed after the toss without the consent of the opposing captain.
The tournament will be played on the following points system.
NO RESULT – 2 POINTS (A minimum of 5 overs must be bowled to the team batting first.
One-Day Matches shall be of one day’s scheduled duration. The matches will consist of one innings per side and each innings will be limited to 20 six-balls overs. A minimum of seven (7) overs per team shall constitute a match. Teams cannot declare their innings close.
A fixed time will be specified for the commencement of the interval, and also the close of play for each match, by applying a rate of 15 overs per hour. When calculating the length of playing time available for the match, or the length of either innings, the timing and duration of all relative delays, extensions in playing hours, interruptions in play, and the interval will be taken into consideration. The calculation must not cause the match to finish earlier t han the original time for cessat ion of play on the fin al sc heduled day for20play. If required the origin al time shall be extended to allow for one extra over for each team.
First match on Friday must start promptly at 8:30 AM and end at 11:00 AM
Second match must start promptly at 11:30 AM and end at 2:00 PM
Third match must start promptly at 2:30 PM and e nd at 5:00 PM
Saturday and Sunday matches will follow the same schedule as Friday’s matches. must start promptly at 11.00 am and end at 5:00 PM
An individual player may be given a drink either on the boundary edge or at the fall of a wicket, on the fi eld, provided that no playing time is wasted. No other drinks shall be taken onto the field without the permission of the umpires. Any player taking drinks onto the field shall be dressed in proper cricket attire.
CHANGING agreed times for intervals – Interval between Innings
If the innings of the team batting first is completed prior to the scheduled time for the interval, the interval shall take place immediately and the innings of the team batting second will commence correspondingly earlier. In circumstances where the side bowling first has not completed the allotted number of overs by th e scheduled or re-scheduled cessation time for the first innings, the umpir es shall reduce the length of the interval by the amoun t of time that the first innings over-ran. The minimum time for the interval will be 10 minutes.
(a) If the team fielding first fails to bowl the required number of overs by the scheduled for the cessation of the first session, play shall continue until the required number of overs has been bowled. Unless otherwise determined by the umpire, the innings of the team batting second shall be limited to the same number of overs bowled by it, at the scheduled time for cessation of the first session.
The over in progress at the scheduled cessation time s hall count as a completed over.
The interval shall not be extended and the second session shall commence at the scheduled time. The umpire may increase the number of overs to be bowled by the team bowling second if, after consultation with the other umpire, he is of the opinion that events beyond the control of the bowling team prevented that team from bowling the required number of overs by the scheduled time for the innings of the team batting first.
(a) The object shall always be to rearrange the number of overs so that both teams have an opportunity of batting for the same number of overs. Minimums of 5 over s have to be bowled to the team batting second to constitute a match subject to the innings not being completed earlier. The calculation of the number of overs to be bowled shall be based on an average rate of one over per four minutes in the total time available for play. If a reduction of the number of overs is required, any recalculation must not cause the match to be rescheduled to finish earlier than the original cessation time.
(b) If the team fielding second fails to bowl the required number of overs by the scheduled cessation time, the hours of play shall be extended by ten (10) minutes or a result achieved.
(c) The team batting se cond shall not bat for a greater number of overs than the first team unless the later has been all out in less than the agreed number of overs.
Should calculations regarding numbers of overs result in a f raction of an over, the frac tion shall be ignored.
(a) Two semi circles shall be drawn on the field of play. The semi circle shave as their center the middle stump at either end of the pitch. The radius of each of the semi circles is 30 yards. The ends of each semi circle are joined to the other by a straight line drawn on the field on the same side of the pitch. Continuous painted white lines or ‘dots’ should mark the field restriction area at five-yard inter vals, each ‘dot’ to be cove red by a white plastic or rubber (but not met al) disc measuring seven inches in diameter.
(b)At the instant of delivery, there may not be more than five (5) fielders on the leg side.
(c) For the first seven (7) overs only two (2) fieldsmen are permitted to be outside the field
restriction marking at the instant of delivery. (d) For the remaining overs only five (5) fieldsmen are permitted to be outside the field restriction marking at the instant of delivery
No bowler shall bowl more than four (4) six (6) ball overs in an innings. In a delayed or interrupted match where the overs are reduced f or both teams or for the team bowling second, no bow ler may bowl more than one-fifth of the total overs allowed. Where the total overs are not divisible by 5, one additional over shall be allowed to the maximum number per bowler necessary to make up the balance.
In the event of a bowler breaking down and being unable to complete an over, another bowler will bowl the remaining balls. Such part of an over will count as a full over only in so far as each bowler’s limit is concerned..
Short pitched bowling:………if the ball passes or would have passed above the shoulder height of the striker standing upright at the crease, either umpire shall call and signal no ball. The penalty shall be two (2) runs for the no ball plus any runs scored f rom the delivery.After two (2) short pitched delivers, a warming should be issued, cautioning the bowler that this is a final warming and inform the other umpire, captain of the fielding team and the batsman of what has occurred.
(a) At first repetition, call and signal no ball and when the ball is dead direct the captain of the fielding team to take the bowler off forthwith and complete the over with another bowler, provided that the bowler does not bowl three (3) overs or part thereof consecutively.
(b) Not allow the bowler, thus taken off, to bowl again in the same innings.
The delivery following a no ball called for a foot fault, shall be a free hit whichever batsman is facing it. If the delivery for the free hit is not a legitimate delivery (any kind of no ball or a wide ball), then the next delivery will become a free hit for whichever batsman is facing it.
For any free hit, the striker can be dismissed only under the circumstances that apply for a no ball, even if the delivery for the fee hit is called a wide ball.
Field changes are not permitted for free hit deliveries unless there is a change of striker. The umpires will signal a free hit by (after the normal No Ball signal) extending one arm straight upwards and moving it in a circular motion.
Umpires are instructed to apply a very strict and consistent interpretation in regard to these rules in order to prevent negative bowling wide of the wicket. Any offside or legside delivery which in the opinion of the umpire does not give the batsman a reasonable opportunity to score shall be called a wide. Any ball passing the batsman down the down the legside / outside the leg stump is a wide. A penalty of one run for a wide shall be scored. This penalty shall stand in addition to any other runs, which are scored or awarded. All runs, resulting from a wide, which is not a no ball, shall be scored wide balls. If a batsman is out from a wide ball, the wide must be sco red to the batting team’s total.
The umpires shall retain possession of the match ball(s) throughout the duration of the match when play is not actually taking place. During play umpires shall periodically and irregularly inspect the condition of the ball and shall retain possession of it at the fall of a wicket, a drink interval, at the end of each over or any other disruption in play. In the event of a ball during play being lost or, in the opinion of the umpires, being unfit for play through normal use, the umpires shall allow it to be replaced by one that in their opinion has had a similar amount of wear. In the event of a ball becoming wet and soggy as a result of play continuing in inclement weather or it being affected by dew, if the ball is to be replaced, the umpire shall inform the batsmen. Either bowler or batsman may raise the matter with the umpires and the umpires decision as to a replacement or otherwise will be final.
A result can be achieved only if both teams have had the opportunity of batting for at least five (5) overs, unless one (1) team has been all out in less than five (5) overs or unless the team batting second scores enough runs to win in less than five (5) overs. All matches, in which both teams have not had an opportunity of batting for at least five (5) overs shall be declared a no r esult.
In matches in which both teams have had the opportunity of batting for the agreed number of overs, the team scoring the higher number of runs shall be th e winner. If the scores are equal, the result shall be a tie and no account shall be taken of the number of wickets, which have fallen.
If a match is interrupted under any circumstances, the winner will be the team, which has scored faster in runs per over throughout the innings, provided that at least 5 overs had been bowled at the team that is batting second.. In determining the run rate, teams that are all out will be calculated on the twenty (20) overs or the reduced overs as calculated by the umpires.
(In case of a tie20there will be a bowl out between two teams. Each c aptain will appoint its three best bowlers for the bowl out, bowlers of team hitting the stumps more than the opponent bowlers wins the game.)
(a) In normal circumstances, a substitute shall be allowed to field only for a player who satisfies the umpires that he has become injured or become ill during the match. However, in very exceptional circumstances, the umpires may use their discretion to allow a substitute for a player who has to leave the field or does not take the field for other wholly acceptable reasons, subject to consent being given by the opposing captain. If a player wishes to change his shirt, boots etc, he may leave the field to do so (no changing on the field) but no substitute will be allowed.
(b) The player acting, as runner for an injured batsman shall at all times wear similar clothing and protective equipment as the injured batsman.
(c) Fieldsman shall leave the field or return during a session of play without the consent of the umpire at the bowler’s end. The umpire9s consent is also necessary if a substitute is required for a fieldsman at the start of play or when his side returns to the field after an interval. If a member of the fielding side does not take the field at the start of play, leaves the field or fails to return after an interval and is absent from the field longer than 8 minutes:
(i) The player shall not be permitted to bowl in that innings after his return until he has been on the field for at least that length of playing time for which he was absent
(ii) The player shall not be permitted to bat unless or until, in the aggregate, he has returned to the field and / or his side’s innings has been in progress for at least that length of playing time for which he has been absent or, if earlier, when his side has lost five wickets. The restriction in (i) and (ii) above shall not apply if the player has suffered an external blow as opposed to an internal injury (such as a pulled muscle) whilst participating earlier in the match and consequently been forced to leave the field. Nor shall it apply if the player has been absent for ver y exceptional and wholly acceptable reasons (other than injury or illness).
NOTE: In the event of a fieldsman already being off the field at the commencement of an interruption in play through ground, weather or light conditions, he shall be allowed to count any such stoppage time as playing time, unless he informs the umpires when he is fit enough to take the field had play been in progress.
(a) The umpires will suspend, or continue to suspend play for bad light when they co nsider that there is a risk of serious physical injury to the batsman, or where conditions are unfit for play. Amongst the facts to be considered are background, sightscreens and the type of bowling.
(b) Umpires shall disregard any shadow on the pitch from any permane nt object in the field of play.
(c) Any objects or permanent fixtures in the field of play must be shown and explained to the umpires and opposing team before the start of play by the home team as to the ground rules.
The bat overall shall not be m ore than 38 inches in length; the blade of the bat shall be made of wood shall have a conventional “flat” face and shall not exceed 4 ¼ inches at the widest part..
If for any reason a bowler is incapacitated while running up to bowl the first ball of an over or is incapacitated or suspended during an over, the umpire shall call and signal “Dead Ball” and another bowler shall bowl or complete the over from the same end, provided only that he shall not bowl three (3) overs or part thereof, consecutively in one inning.
If a bowler bowls a ball underarm th e umpire shall call and signal dead ball, and the ball is to be re-bowled over arm. The umpire at the bowler’s end shall call and signal no ball i f a ball which the umpire considers to have been delivered: (i) Bounces more than twice or (ii) Rolls along the ground or (iii) Comes to rest before it reaches the striker or, if not otherwise played by the striker, before it reaches the popping crease. If the ball comes to rest in such circumstances, the umpire will call a no ball.
The striker is out if the ball is deflected from his bat onto his own protective helmet and he is subsequently caught. Runs may be scored off deflections from the batsman or fielder’s helmet. A batsman may call for a helmet to be brought out to him at anytime. He must then wear or carry it personally all the time while play is in progress, or can have it taken off the field at the f all of a wicket, or at the end of an over. In all cases, no ac tions involving helmets are to w aste playing time. Umpires are not to hold he lmets. The exchanging of protective equipment between members of the fielding side on the field shall be permitted provided that the umpires do not consider that it constitutes a waste of playing time. A batsman may only change other items of protective equipment (e.g. batting gloves, etc.) provided that there is no waste of playing time.
It is normal fielding practice for fielders in recognized close to the wicket catching positions to be stationary, and for outfielders to walk in towards the striker when the bowler commences his run up. Any significant movement, off line or in depth, by a fielder once the bowler commences his run up is considered unfair and either umpire shall tak e action. As a guide, the movement of a wicket keeper standing back who moves up to the stumps would be regarded as significant, whereas t he movement forw ard b y a wicket keeper of a couple of paces for a slowly de livery or in taking his normal stance would not be regarded as significant. The same provision will apply to a slip fielder who takes only couple of steps forward. The umpire has to make a judgment taking all the circumstances into account.
In the event that a ball has been interfered with and requires replacement the batsman at the wicket shall choose the replacement ball from a selection of six other balls of various degrees of usage and of the same brand (including a new ball) as the ball in use prior to the contravention.
The bowling of fast high full-pitched balls is unfair. Any fast high full pitched ball which passes or would have passed above waist height of the batsman standing upright at the crease shall be called and signaled “no ball” by the umpire at the bowler’s end. In the event of a bowler bowling a fast high full ball (i.e. a beamer), the umpire at the bowler’s end shall adopt the following procedure:
(a). In the first instance the umpire shall call and signal n o ball, caution the bowler and issue a first and final warning and inform the other umpire, captain of the fielding side and the batsman of what has occurred.
(b). At the first repetition call and signal no ball and when the ball i s dead direct the captain of the fielding side to take the bowler off forthwith and to complete the over with another bowler, provided that the bowler does not bowl two overs or part thereof consecutively.
(c). Not allow the bowler, thus taken off, to bowl again in the same innings.
The incoming batsman must be in position to take guard or for his partner to be ready to receive the next ball within 1 minute 30 seconds of the fall of the previous wicket. The incoming batsman is expected to be ready to make his way to the wicket20immediately upon the fall of a wicket.
Bowlers run up must be limited to fifteen (15) yards or forty-five (45) feet.
Umpires must verify the distance, which should be visible marked.
(a). Captains and umpires should co-operate to ensure that, prior to the start of any day’s play, no one bounces a ball on the pitch or strikes it with a bat to access its condition or for any o ther reason or causes damage to the pitch in any other way.Prior to the start of play on any day only the captains may walk on the pitch to assess its condition. Spiked footwear is not permitted.
(b). In the event of the batsman damaging the pitch, the umpire (bowler’s end) shall follow the procedures of caution and final warning. Should the above warnings prove ineffective the umpire shall intervene without appeal by calling and signaling “dead ball” as soon as he considers there i s no chance of a dismissal, disallow any runs, and retur n the batsmen to their original ends.
Lloyd Jodah
American College Cricket
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Equipos de equilibrado: fundamental para el funcionamiento fluido y optimo de las maquinas.
En el ambito de la tecnologia avanzada, donde la efectividad y la confiabilidad del equipo son de alta relevancia, los equipos de ajuste cumplen un funcion vital. Estos aparatos especializados estan creados para ajustar y asegurar elementos moviles, ya sea en maquinaria de fabrica, transportes de desplazamiento o incluso en dispositivos domesticos.
Para los expertos en reparacion de aparatos y los tecnicos, manejar con dispositivos de equilibrado es fundamental para asegurar el funcionamiento uniforme y seguro de cualquier sistema rotativo. Gracias a estas alternativas avanzadas avanzadas, es posible minimizar significativamente las vibraciones, el estruendo y la tension sobre los soportes, aumentando la duracion de componentes costosos.
Asimismo significativo es el funcion que tienen los equipos de calibracion en la asistencia al consumidor. El asistencia especializado y el soporte permanente utilizando estos aparatos facilitan ofrecer prestaciones de optima calidad, incrementando la satisfaccion de los consumidores.
Para los responsables de emprendimientos, la aporte en estaciones de ajuste y detectores puede ser importante para aumentar la rendimiento y rendimiento de sus sistemas. Esto es principalmente relevante para los inversores que gestionan reducidas y medianas organizaciones, donde cada aspecto importa.
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